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Peepli and my thoughts

I just now saw "Peepli live". A deep satire on our system which we very proudly call DEMOCRACY. It depicts our current situation just as a neutral journalist whose main aim is to show clearly and unambiguously what is happening in this country.
I was wondering watching that movie that this is the only way we live in the country called India. I was thinking in between that what can I do as an inividual, as a responsible citizen to change the fate of these unpriviledged people. Can I change the system, can I do something to stop these suicides, what government should do to help these people. Just imagine the mindset of a person who can give his life just to get that 1 lakh rupees coming from government after his death. But, is he really that much concerned about his life, about his family. Do we give him that much priviledge to think logically and come to a conclusion, does he know the value of his life, does hi care about his family, or, does he really understand the difference between life and death.
I dont think so. And that is the main thing that has been showed in the film. See nattha. His expressions, body language, everything tells us that he doesn't even know the difference of life and death. Not even his brother, who convinced him to suicide, know this difference. It is just a matter of 2 minutes for them and then Rs 1 lakh with that land.
Why they dont know that difference which we all living in this urban era know very well. We value our lives, our constitution, our justice system value life of every single individual, at least on papers. Then why cant they. Are they from a different planet, not from India or they are not human beings.
Well this is the conclusion. They are not human beings. Human beings are species who can think logically, talk, can fight for their rights, have independence to say what they wish to. I dont think that people from that part of India have these traits. How can we then take them as human beings. Our so called democratic system has left them like animals. If you want to know the psychology of animals then please dont waste your time in analyzing them in forests or any reserves. Come to a Peepli kind of village in India. You would get people having very similar traits of animals who dont even know why they are alive or rather are they alive.
My interpretations from this movie is very long and it would need a whole day or rather a whole life to gather it all together and write.
My conscience is always slapping me, asking me what am I doing, can I do something.
But just after 1 or 2 days, I also forget the whole thing, live my life in my comfort zone and when again such type of movies come, I watch them, feel raped and write something or discuss with my friends about the current situation in India and forget till next comes.
This is a whole vicious cycle that I follow everyday and this is what most of us do. We all are same, we all are responsible for this pathetic condition of those farmers who are dying daily. We are equally responsible along with the government, selfish political parties, much hyped media and our system.
I intend to think that may be that director is also equally responsible with us. She made this movie not for those Peepli people or to really raise an issue and come to a result. She was too interested in her creative interests, money and obviously publicity. She definitely raised a question in our psyche but what after that. Is her work ends here. I personally think that after making this movie she had a grand power to really fight for those farmers. Everybody would have listened to her, would have idolized her, followed her. Government would have taken the issue in consideration but what she did. Now after 1 month of release of this movie, she is out of the celluloid. But again, she cant be blamed by those who themselves are not willing to fight. I am no one.
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