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What does it mean to write direct from heart,
can u write anything direct from heart being conscious, is it possible to do so...well i dont really think so.
So when can u write your heart...when ??? do u have any answer to this million dollar question.
Why am i asking all this to you, waking up from slumber in this humid night at 2:43 am. You know what, i m feeling relieved from all my problems, from all my fucking incomplete dreams, this is what people call, living in present...
Listening to one of the really great renditions of " The Corrs", i m feeling on the top, away from those fucking real life tussels mussels...but is it just enough to be in present, a soothing music in your ears...think...
I dont think so, i have always been listening to such music, always but very few times i have been in such condition to live in present. So then what is it that brings you much closer to urself, to ur soul, to the divine god.
ITS nasha, state of unconsciousness, u can get it from many different ways. Some get it from yoga, some from drinking, sometimes i get it from missing my love, and sometimes by drinking and listening to some really divine, perfect renditions. Do you know why almost all the artists drink, being painter, singer, writer, photographer, lyricist, actor or anyone. I have seen almost all the bands drinking before singing. Music needs passion, determination, energy ,coinciding on one single point. Being conscious, u cant concentrate your energy, so be unconscious, live life to fullest...
I dont know why people assume drinking to be an evil, it brings you closer to urself, to the present...someone told me that its sex that brings u closer to present but i oppose, its nasha that is important...Everyone must go through this enlightening, ever changing experience to relish the life...i m feeling light, no haste, no hurry, just me and me and my thoughts with me... very rare to find. Cool, dark, staring myself in mirror, feeling content, smiling, thinking of someone special...

Category: 1 comments


Unknown said...

really written frm heart
heart bole to being completely with ur blood pressure which secreats d harmone and takes u in parasympathetic system and as soon u go in dat u strt coming out of dat bt according to le chateliers principle evry process opposes the cause which makes any purturbation frm its equilibrium. and dats why the control system again wants d harmone level in d body and ur mind strts creating d situation which helps it. it is d real which u r dear...
enjoy it.....i hav enjoyed too much...