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idiosyncratic thought...

Imagine the same world, same people around you, same city, same country, same companies, same colonies, same society, same roads and lanes, and suddenly everybody in this world decides to change his/her job. Everyone decides to do what he likes most, what he is interested in, what he can do best.

There would be many who would have wanted to be something different when young but became something else,many would have thought to pursue their hobby as their profession but landed in a completely different job, many who would have left their passion for their obligations and commitments.
Now everyone decides to leave all this behind and start a new life. A life with a job which he likes, in which he is interested most. They all decide to pursue their hobbies, their interests, do whatever they like most.
What would be the condition at that time?
Is it possible to imagine the situation?
Well in one go I will say "YES". The world would be a beautiful place to live, their would be no sorrow, no dissatisfaction, no more sacrifices, no hard feelings, no frustations. Everyone would be happy and completely satisfied with his job and nature of work. After all, they are doing what they like most.

But then, lets ponder upon the situation again.
How many of us would love to sweep roads, to be a labor, to work in hazardous plants, to dig grounds, to work in coal mines, to work as guard in temperature below 0 degrees.
How many of us would have this hobby of driving roadways buses, tempoes or trolleys for 16 hrs a day without even worrying about winter, summer or heavy rain.
How many of us would love to be a street vendor or hawker.
I think the answer is "VERY FEW" or in most cases "NO ONE".

So who will be responsible for those jobs which are not worth being anyone's hobby or interest.

Who will perform those jobs?

So is it right asking to pursue your hobby as your profession. If everyone starts pursuing his hobby then their would be no one handling most of the important but dirty jobs.

But then, another thought knocks my mind. Some of them would like studying, some managing, some discovering new things and places, some inventing new things in field of physics, chemistry or biology.
This, in turn, would have led to inventions and discoveries of such things or stuffs that would have eradicated our need of sweepers, labors, etc. This whole world might have been a completely different, sophisticated, but better place to live. We would have been living in completely different world, beyond our imaginations...but hold, why beyond imaginations....nothing in this life is beyond our imaginations. Then, if we can imagine it, why can't we make it true.
But...i still doubt my approach. Am I totally right or there can be another dimension to this thought.
If it is there, then I would love to know from anyone reading this post.
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