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Wearing a shirt is not a difficult job and I am not writing the procedure in Part 2. So the story continues... its a bit longer and may be boring...but i have written, so u have to read it...:)

It was around 8:30 am when I decided to be prepared for not getting any SULABH SHAUCHALAYA or something like that near her office. Thus I had only one option left, to wear the shirt and go to her office, without going through any other routine activities ( i hope you can understand).

So, I wore shirt in the bus itself and combed my hair. It was the time when i had to get off the bus near Noida. The bus stopped at a turn and I got off. Fortunately or unfortunately one of a friendly guy also came out of the bus and headed in the direction in which i had to go.I was happy that I got someone to ask the route to sector 62. I asked him and he agreed to take me with him. We somehow managed to sit in an auto going in that direction. If i describe the auto then it was a masterpiece of some really technically sound and knowing the need of emerging India type of guy. Why i am saying this is because that auto ( speciality of Noida i think) was full of heads. If you count them then it would exceed the capacity of that small auto. Auto was of normal design but the way they have adjusted the seats to accomodate more no. of persons was unusual and one of its only kind. I have seen Vikram Tempo which accomodate around 10 heads but it was a normal auto accomodating 13 heads, can u believe 13... believe me, i counted them. So finally we got seat at the back of auto where, in normal auto, they put luggage. Sitting on it was a real great experience. Imagine this, you have sat at the back of auto and the auto starts rolling. Suddenly you find that people behind auto watching you and smiling at you, may be amusing at the situation i got stuck. And you can do just one thing, either move your face to some other direction or just pass a meek smile on them giving them indication that you dont care what they think, but actually you do.

So I was quitely enjoying the thing when that guy told me to get off the auto rickshaw as sector 62 had come. I was very thankful to him and gave him lots of gratitude for helping me in such a mean world :). There are so many sectors in Noida and all those sectors are distributed along roads. If you turn to left road you might reach to another sector so in a way its very confusing to find the exact location of any sector for a person new to city. But surprisingly i found that it was confusing for the persons working there too. That area was full of offices and big buildings. I asked a person about sector-62 and he said that it was back from where i came. i got it that the guy who helped me himself didnt know the exact location of Sector-62. In the time being, I had persuaded my mind to be polite and it was sure to reach her late now.

I thought it would be better to call her and ask the location. I called her, she was busy or something and again i got a blow. So agreeing with the person, I turned back, took another auto and asked him to take me from where I came. Now i was standing on the same place from where I or rather WE started. I again took another auto and asked him to take me to sector-62, this time i was seriously concentrating on different routes and the incriptions written on milestones. Suddenly i got a milestone written "sector-63,64", i, without wasting any further time stopped the auto. I was in no mood to take any rickshaw but at that moment I had to ask someone about this aloof, distant, unknown place so I asked a rickshaw wallah about sector-62, A-26 building. He very normally said " ohh that IBM building". I sighed and thought in my mind that if this rickshaw wallah dont take me to the building then i would have to go back from where i came. So i got up on tht rickshaw and asked him to go. I felt very much relieved. In the whole way, there was none to see and I was going in a really unknown place. Then i got why the local public too dont know the location of any office or something.

Well finally I was at the gate of IBM and called her to pick me from there as they dont allow any visitor to go inside the office without employee. I performed the ususal task of check-up and all and entered the office. I actually stayed in the cafeteria only and she too came there and joined me.

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