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Come back dear!

Today, I am feeling very lonely, don't know why.
Something is empty in my heart. I sometimes think how quickly our heart respond to our emotions. When we feel alone & sad, our heart pumps blood at slow rate so that we feel something is missing, our blood pressure reduces and thus a feeling of loneliness comes.
When we feel happy, energetic, our heart pumps the blood much fast giving us illusion of energy, rejuvenation, zeal.
Heart understand us. Only he knows what we feel. nobody else do.
Actually, I met her yesterday for less than half an hour but the effect is still there.
I didn't even touched her, but i can still feel the fragrance of her.
I didn't see her for long time, but the image of hers is clear in my mind.
I waited for almost 7 hours to meet her, to have just one glance of her. She was looking pretty, cute as always.I wanted to touch her hand but...somehow managed to stay apart.
Why it happens that when you love someone, you want to feel her, to touch her, to smell her. I wanted to kiss her and take her in my arms but...but...but.
We are no more together. Our relationship has no name, its just ashes left and we don't expect any phoenix to take rebirth from it.
Oh god...this loneliness is killing me, each time, each moment.
I love you Pallavi...
come back, plz come back, i will change....
Category: 2 comments


Unknown said...

its around 5 months for me bt i too feel the same dear......
but at least dare is someone exist u r waiting....

expressing myself... said...

it will always be dear...
we guys are foolish creatures, when fall in love,we dont bother about the future and when future arrives at the door we cant face it.