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But....confused !!!

I am confused for past 2 weeks upon taking a decision.Although my decision making is very bad and I never able to come on a single point at once , but this time it is taking more than required.
I have two very similar choices and I have to choose best among them but i am not able to decide which one is best for me. I am able to see equally good and bad aspects in both the choices.
So, I decided to think about my past and what wrong decision I have taken till now that affected my life. But then a thought comes to me that someone has said that no decision is wrong, every decision is a right decision but you must have that attitude to bring all the odds in your favor. Then another thought pour in my mind saying that there can be wrong decisions and you have to understand your wrong decisions to take right decision.
Now which argument is true, first one or second one. I am again confusesd.
Being in this situation, when it is very hard to find right choice, I read an article yesterday saying that between options of right and easy decisions always choose right decision because somewhere in old 50ies you will realize worth of that right decision.
But but but...again I dont know which decision is right and which is easy.
Then I thought why not give heart a chance.
It might solve my problem.
To my surprise heart is also confused being in this situation for past 2 weeks.
Still wondering what to do...first one or second one. Both will have some negative impacts.
I think I must ask my parents...they may help me in such situation. No one else can understand better that them.But...
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