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Be unique

I was wondering what to do, what is right. There are several people around us who do great, who despite of so many hurdles in their life, so many problems they have faced, so many impediments they cross, are able to do something great, something what bring them praise, popularity, success and accolades from everyone. They are the bravest of the brave, highly determined and very courageous, who even after loosing so much gets much more than what they aspire for.
What is special in those people who grow above their circumstances, fight all their hurdles and come out clean, safe and shining.
Are these people really special or they are just like us, or rather just like me who are a normal person but once decided can go to any extent, but unfortunately never cross that line to fight the whole world and be a winner at the end.
Then suddenly I think about some of the examples in our daily life. Whenever I have any confusion about the life, about what god would have thought about in making such persons, I tend to see around me, I try to visualise the nature and find whether it happens around us also or not. And to my surprise, i found that we have numerous examples of such cases where millions of species fight for something and at last it is the one only who crosses all the barriers and wins the race.
Like, there are millions of sperm cells who once ejaculated run a race of extreme difficulties. There are lots of impediments for them in that path. They dont loose hope. Lots of them die in between, lots of them in beginning, some of them at last and then there is just one, only one single cell which crosses all the hurdles and troubles and reaches its destination. That one single cell is enough to reproduce. That cell is undoubtedly the winner and special as it has overcome all the possibilities of death, but it survived till last. So, should we call it special or determined but normal.
There is another example. Millions of tonnes of wood buried under the earth crust for years form coals. In that millions of tonnes of coal we find some diamonds also. They are rare, made of same element with just different alignment of atoms but are special as after getting pressed to such a high pressure and temperature, these carbon atoms formed a special alignment that formed diamond.
Are they special or just the same but with little success oriented.
In both the cases I used to think that it was not destiny or they were not special but like us but with more determination to acheive what they wanted in their life. Hence, according to me, I could have achieved whatsoever I wanted in my life iff I had ever tried for it from my heart.
Then a friend of mine oncce told me that it is all predecided. I didnt notice what he said at that time. But when I came back and pondered upon his reaction, I found he was correct,.
It is all decided. They are special. they are sent on this earth to perform that job. Its their job, and since people love it, they are given special position.
Similarly we also have been given a certain task. It may not be that much tough, it may not sound that much appealing, but there is a task. We will perform it here, knowingly or unknowingly. We would contribute to this world, desirably or undesirably.
We must not worry about others, never see what they do, never try to get inspired by others, but try to do what we feel we are best in.
We dont know our purpose of life, so we must concentrate on our work.
God told us about his will by giving us some special qualities, that are unique to us only and no one can copy it. Those qualities knock on our door in the form of desires, ambitions, hobbies, interests etc. But in this cruel world we tend to forget our inner calling, which is actually god's calling. We concentrate on worldly things and miss our way.
We would do only those tasks which we love to do. so just dont worry, dont panic hearing about anyone else's success. we are all different with different tasks. Just perform them better.
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