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Was post 9/11 justified...

Recently i got priviledge to watch a new hindi film "Newyork" strarring John Abraham, Katrina, Niel and Irrfan Khan. The movie was fine but the subject was gruelling and raised lots of questions in my mind. It has shown the attrocities given to nearly 1000 innocent ethnic people who were arrested in detention after 9/11 attacks and how some of them become terrorists to take revenge from FBI. It was written in the concluding message that most of these people got crippled and left good for nothing, without any job in hand.

This raised a gruelling question in my mind that was post 9/11 detentions justified to catch the real culprit of the incident or it has just increased the no. of terrorists by arousing the feeling of revenge in these innocent people. Rather, there are two questions, first, is 9/11 justified, and second, if not then what should have been done to find the real culprit?
According to me, post 9/11 detentions were not at all justified. How can a human being who has even a little humanity left can give such attrocities to those innocents. Secondly, thinking about those people who got such detentions make me feel very low as after that most of them lost everything, they couldnot talk freely, they always felt like someone ordering them, they
couldnot forget those moments in detention, couldnot sleep easily, in short, it was not easy for them to separate their new life from the life they lived in jail thus living after-life like animals.
Thirdly, some of them must have tried to avenge the authorities which had overall failed the ultimate cause of FBI. They increased the no. of people against them by trying to find the perpetrator of 9/11.
Fouthly, it sent a message to other countries that going to US is not safe and in turn reduced the no. of tourists, students, overall market and thus had direct effect on the economy of US.
People now have more faith in europeon countries and Australia as compared to US. She had increased her trouble by arousing an unpopular feeling in developing countries like India or China which are the biggest market for US products.
This time, students prefer to apply in australian universities as compared to US universities.

But the second question which is more important to be answered is still unanswered.
What FBI could have done to find the real perpetrator if not holding them in detention.
They could have arrested only those persons on whom they had strong suspicion. They could have tracked some of the them and after finding proper evidence, could have arrested them.
Giving detention to all of them was not justified. They could have arrested them, enquired them, grilled them with questions and those found innocent could be relieved.

They could have used lot more tools to find the persons involved. It would not have hampered the national interest and investigation could have been much smoother for FBI and for those innocent people who lost thier dreams and peace after that.
Category: 2 comments


animesh said...

An Eye fr an eye will make the whole world blind.
Gandhivaad these all things are rubbish. revenge is a revenge. 9/11 ke baad US mein koi bhi incident nahin hua, coz they crushed their on the other hand in India lots of problem has occured and is still occuring & will conyinue to occur.
I agree some of the people may be innocent but its a part of the game. If we see any trace of any disease in our body we try to eradicate it from the root. Same was the case here.In this there may be some side effects.Same thing happened there. they are enemies of human race so they should be removed from root
The discussion can be extended to very long. Bt i think ki post 9/11 was justified.

animesh said...

well im extremely sorry for my previous comment as i didnt saw d movie Newyork.
today on the nyt of 15-16 Aug i spent my whole nyt trying to dwnload 7 see d movie.At last i have succeded at around 08;30 AM.
Well nw i would say that post 9/11 was nt at all justified.the inhuman attitude of FBI was a shame to human race. The conditions in which these persons were detained was really a addition to it there was no sense in checking a lady person by a male cop.
But who is responsible for all this?
We are responsible. Why we go to these countries where we are not even treated like a human. Why we don't stay in our own motherland & help in its development.
Some of the well educated persons will say "those places provide better oppurtunity". I don't agree with them.
In foriegn countries we treated like animals. Most often there are cases of robbery & even murder.What the hell we do there?
most of the top officials in NASA are personals from Asia & the Asians are treated like dogs there.
i would like to say that POST 9/11 was nt justified bt we were only responsible for that.
vo kehte hai naa "jab babool ka ped lagaayo to aam kahan se hoonge"