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What does it mean to write direct from heart,
can u write anything direct from heart being conscious, is it possible to do so...well i dont really think so.
So when can u write your heart...when ??? do u have any answer to this million dollar question.
Why am i asking all this to you, waking up from slumber in this humid night at 2:43 am. You know what, i m feeling relieved from all my problems, from all my fucking incomplete dreams, this is what people call, living in present...
Listening to one of the really great renditions of " The Corrs", i m feeling on the top, away from those fucking real life tussels mussels...but is it just enough to be in present, a soothing music in your ears...think...
I dont think so, i have always been listening to such music, always but very few times i have been in such condition to live in present. So then what is it that brings you much closer to urself, to ur soul, to the divine god.
ITS nasha, state of unconsciousness, u can get it from many different ways. Some get it from yoga, some from drinking, sometimes i get it from missing my love, and sometimes by drinking and listening to some really divine, perfect renditions. Do you know why almost all the artists drink, being painter, singer, writer, photographer, lyricist, actor or anyone. I have seen almost all the bands drinking before singing. Music needs passion, determination, energy ,coinciding on one single point. Being conscious, u cant concentrate your energy, so be unconscious, live life to fullest...
I dont know why people assume drinking to be an evil, it brings you closer to urself, to the present...someone told me that its sex that brings u closer to present but i oppose, its nasha that is important...Everyone must go through this enlightening, ever changing experience to relish the life...i m feeling light, no haste, no hurry, just me and me and my thoughts with me... very rare to find. Cool, dark, staring myself in mirror, feeling content, smiling, thinking of someone special...

Category: 1 comments


Wearing a shirt is not a difficult job and I am not writing the procedure in Part 2. So the story continues... its a bit longer and may be boring...but i have written, so u have to read it...:)

It was around 8:30 am when I decided to be prepared for not getting any SULABH SHAUCHALAYA or something like that near her office. Thus I had only one option left, to wear the shirt and go to her office, without going through any other routine activities ( i hope you can understand).

So, I wore shirt in the bus itself and combed my hair. It was the time when i had to get off the bus near Noida. The bus stopped at a turn and I got off. Fortunately or unfortunately one of a friendly guy also came out of the bus and headed in the direction in which i had to go.I was happy that I got someone to ask the route to sector 62. I asked him and he agreed to take me with him. We somehow managed to sit in an auto going in that direction. If i describe the auto then it was a masterpiece of some really technically sound and knowing the need of emerging India type of guy. Why i am saying this is because that auto ( speciality of Noida i think) was full of heads. If you count them then it would exceed the capacity of that small auto. Auto was of normal design but the way they have adjusted the seats to accomodate more no. of persons was unusual and one of its only kind. I have seen Vikram Tempo which accomodate around 10 heads but it was a normal auto accomodating 13 heads, can u believe 13... believe me, i counted them. So finally we got seat at the back of auto where, in normal auto, they put luggage. Sitting on it was a real great experience. Imagine this, you have sat at the back of auto and the auto starts rolling. Suddenly you find that people behind auto watching you and smiling at you, may be amusing at the situation i got stuck. And you can do just one thing, either move your face to some other direction or just pass a meek smile on them giving them indication that you dont care what they think, but actually you do.

So I was quitely enjoying the thing when that guy told me to get off the auto rickshaw as sector 62 had come. I was very thankful to him and gave him lots of gratitude for helping me in such a mean world :). There are so many sectors in Noida and all those sectors are distributed along roads. If you turn to left road you might reach to another sector so in a way its very confusing to find the exact location of any sector for a person new to city. But surprisingly i found that it was confusing for the persons working there too. That area was full of offices and big buildings. I asked a person about sector-62 and he said that it was back from where i came. i got it that the guy who helped me himself didnt know the exact location of Sector-62. In the time being, I had persuaded my mind to be polite and it was sure to reach her late now.

I thought it would be better to call her and ask the location. I called her, she was busy or something and again i got a blow. So agreeing with the person, I turned back, took another auto and asked him to take me from where I came. Now i was standing on the same place from where I or rather WE started. I again took another auto and asked him to take me to sector-62, this time i was seriously concentrating on different routes and the incriptions written on milestones. Suddenly i got a milestone written "sector-63,64", i, without wasting any further time stopped the auto. I was in no mood to take any rickshaw but at that moment I had to ask someone about this aloof, distant, unknown place so I asked a rickshaw wallah about sector-62, A-26 building. He very normally said " ohh that IBM building". I sighed and thought in my mind that if this rickshaw wallah dont take me to the building then i would have to go back from where i came. So i got up on tht rickshaw and asked him to go. I felt very much relieved. In the whole way, there was none to see and I was going in a really unknown place. Then i got why the local public too dont know the location of any office or something.

Well finally I was at the gate of IBM and called her to pick me from there as they dont allow any visitor to go inside the office without employee. I performed the ususal task of check-up and all and entered the office. I actually stayed in the cafeteria only and she too came there and joined me.

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Well this time i m not writing on any new topic, but yes, i wanna thank to all those who are taking interest in reading my written shits and giving their valuable comments... frnz keep on doing that, i will never ever dissappoint u ...still have to go long way...this has really gave me more impetus to write some more shits on some bakwaas topics !!!
Category: 1 comments


Sorry for posting late but this is the story of 7 august. I m still thinking from where to start writing, should it be the time I left for Delhi or the time i met her or the time i started feeling good and satisfied by meeting her.

That was long-off of mine and i had just thought to go to delhi but was not sure. Then suddenly, i got a call from her and she was feeling low. She missed me when she was alone and low, that is the only feeling that drove me crazy and compelled me to give my luck another chance of getting her. I had decided to leave for delhi without thinking or worrying about myself and situation.

I was very happy, with full of joy, with a tank full of energy to meet her. I was a little worried that how i will tackle the call from my home during the trip but overall, in a nutshell, i was more inclined to meet her anyhow, without caring about any other worldly thing.

So, i started my journey from Jagdishpur at 4:00 pm and luckily got the bus to Lucknow immediately after reaching the Bus-stop. That was the first sign of positivity for me. I got a window seat, took out my sony ericcson C510, played some beautiful, romantic songs and started listening them to fill the aura with her love. I was listening the songs and thinking bout her, bout what she would feel, bout how she would look like, bout what she would say. Likewise, i didnt realize when the bus reached lucknow station. That was 6:00 pm and my bus to Delhi was scheduled at 7:30 pm, so still i had margin to relax and wrap-up some of the pending works in Lucknow.

I went to ticket window and asked for next AC Sleeper bus ticket to Delhi but to my surprise, that bus was cancelled and there was only one bus at 8:30 pm, thanks to UP Parivahan Nigam, this is a normal thing here and one has to be prepared to meet such inconvenience. I was a little disappointed as i calculated that it would take 12 hrs to reach Delhi and i would spend 1 hr less with her. But this gave me enough time to complete all my work in Lucknow without any rush.

I took the auto and rushed to Hazaratganj to take out some money from ATM. I saw 2 beautiful creatures there. Actually working in a core company doesnt allow you to enjoy such moments, so whenever we come to Lucknow we try to take such images with us. At that moment also I was thinking of her only. Then i went to Nokia Care Centre and bought a battery for my Boss's Mobile. That was a very important work to be done as Boss is Boss, and we must give our best efforts to make him happy, then only we would be happy. So its a cyclic process, what you saw, that u reap. Well truly speaking, the fact was that it was a pending job which should have been completed a way before.:)

I came out of the shop, i still had 1.5 hrs left so i decided to eat something. I went to a cool(i mean hot, corner side shop) shop and had Masala Dosa. In that humid hot weather i was eating that delicious, hotty, masaledar dosa with a can of Diet Coke ( they didnt have anything else.:) ). Coming out of that shop, I was drenched with my own sticky, stinky sweat. ummmmm...and wats more, I wore no banyaan, hahahahaaha, what a tragedy it was. So i decided to go and buy a banyaan first. I went to a shop and asked for the banyaan, and believe me he reacted as if I came from another planet and asked him to give any part of my space suit. So, the answer was “no”. Surprised enough I went to another shop and asked the same unidentified thing , he also show me the way to door. Likewise I searched 3 shops in Hazaratganj and got disappointment only. But i tried in one more shop and to my surprize he recognised the word and took out one banyaan. I sighed and take a deep breath. I asked him to allow me to wear it in that shop only, he agreed and i came back with a banyaan on my body and of course a shirt also.

My next step was to take out the print out of my reservation slip from a cyber cafe. So, in that unknown new place, which is sometimes called the posh area of Lucknow with all nice gentlemen and gentlewomen shopping in big, biggest expensive shops, i started searching for a small cybercafe. I was pretty sure that i would get at least one or two there. But again i was wrong and there ws not a single cafe in that big area. I started searching here n there, with all small, narrow lanes, public places and would have definitely walked atleast 2 kms and that too, plz dont forget, in that humid hot weather, with chances of raining anytime. But i was not worried or shattered at all as i knew that after all these quests i would go and have a sound sleep in my AC sleeper bus. Then it started showering and my odor became more stinkier. Ummmmmmm. I was feeling restless then i got a small cyber cafe and that too on the second floor of a building which was very hard to find, even for the people of that area too.

Well, i completed my all works and it ws around 8:00pm when i reached the bus station to find the status of bus. I went to an AC waiting room to relax a little and feel good but as always some bad news was waiting for me there also. As i showed my ticket to the attendent he told me that the bus was cancelled at 8:30 also and there is only one bus and that too was NON AC sleeper at 9:00 pm. Believe me, I was laughing at the ultimate situation. Came out of that compartment with my headphones on my neck, thinking what to do. But the urge to go there and meet her was so strong that i decided to not to turn back and took that 9:00 pm bus ticket and i met a guy at the counter who said that he was trying to go to Delhi for past 3 days and could not be able to get any mode. That was the time when i felt contained.

So now i had 1 hr and one important work was to be done: calling home and make them believe that i m still in Jagdishpur. That was a slightly typical job for me. I came out of that stations and hurried to find a peaceful place to let them believe that i was still in my township.:). I know i have become somewhat clever and more than that a cheater but in India where loving is considered as crime, you have to take such steps otherwise these Daddy type of people will crush you and make bharta of yours. By chance i got such a place, that was a colony of some Sardars, a very peaceful place. You couldnt imagine that just a yard away there is harsh cacophony of this rapidly rising city.

I called and my mom picked up the call. She asked where i was and i told her that i was in township only.

I called and my mom picked up the call. She asked where i was and i told her that i was in township only. Things went smooth. i told her that i would leave for Lucknow next day and wont be able to call her.

Then I came back to the bus. The bus was in a damn worst condition. I stepped up, on window seat where i had to spend my whole night. I sighed that atleast I got a window seat. That was a two seater sleeper and someone else had to come beside me. I opened the window and started watching birds( u know wat i mean) but still missing her. It was a piece of dirty foam on which a white bedsheet was there, about 6 feet long on which i was lying. Listening some romantic songs on different radio stations of the city, i lied down. Bus startd at 9:15pm. I felt much better when wind started slapping my face. I thought that the night will pass easily. I would sleep easily in bus. I was happy and listening songs when suddenly i heard the roaring, hahahaha, roaring of clouds. Imagine, in such weather when no wind is flowing, not a single leaf of trees dancing,condition such a worse that if you stand for ten seconds you will be drowned in sweat, you get to know that after few minutes you have to close your window, the only source of wind in that overly crowded bus. How would u feel, how would you react? I know the answer. You would do nothing, you have no other choice but to except the situation and start enjoying the stinky smell of your body and the person besides you. Its "yuk" naa... But it's the bitter truth. hahahaahha...

So as time demanded, i closed the window perfectly as i really dont trust on UP buses. Even after closing window you may get drops of water pouring in. Well, within few seconds i fell asleep. I still remember that every hour or two i changed the position.

At last i woke up at around 7:15 am and opened the window. I saw a really beautiful and awesome scenery on the other side of window. Cool breeze of wind was blowing and kissing my face as if my gal kissing me from Delhi. I admire the nature and it’s sophisticated functions and take my hats off to such brilliant design of God. I took out my camera and captured the beauty. That was the time when bus stopped near a Dhaba. I came out of the bus, brushed and took few sip of tea. Felt good, now I was ready to meet her, I just had to change my shirt only.

Category: 3 comments

Was post 9/11 justified...

Recently i got priviledge to watch a new hindi film "Newyork" strarring John Abraham, Katrina, Niel and Irrfan Khan. The movie was fine but the subject was gruelling and raised lots of questions in my mind. It has shown the attrocities given to nearly 1000 innocent ethnic people who were arrested in detention after 9/11 attacks and how some of them become terrorists to take revenge from FBI. It was written in the concluding message that most of these people got crippled and left good for nothing, without any job in hand.

This raised a gruelling question in my mind that was post 9/11 detentions justified to catch the real culprit of the incident or it has just increased the no. of terrorists by arousing the feeling of revenge in these innocent people. Rather, there are two questions, first, is 9/11 justified, and second, if not then what should have been done to find the real culprit?
According to me, post 9/11 detentions were not at all justified. How can a human being who has even a little humanity left can give such attrocities to those innocents. Secondly, thinking about those people who got such detentions make me feel very low as after that most of them lost everything, they couldnot talk freely, they always felt like someone ordering them, they
couldnot forget those moments in detention, couldnot sleep easily, in short, it was not easy for them to separate their new life from the life they lived in jail thus living after-life like animals.
Thirdly, some of them must have tried to avenge the authorities which had overall failed the ultimate cause of FBI. They increased the no. of people against them by trying to find the perpetrator of 9/11.
Fouthly, it sent a message to other countries that going to US is not safe and in turn reduced the no. of tourists, students, overall market and thus had direct effect on the economy of US.
People now have more faith in europeon countries and Australia as compared to US. She had increased her trouble by arousing an unpopular feeling in developing countries like India or China which are the biggest market for US products.
This time, students prefer to apply in australian universities as compared to US universities.

But the second question which is more important to be answered is still unanswered.
What FBI could have done to find the real perpetrator if not holding them in detention.
They could have arrested only those persons on whom they had strong suspicion. They could have tracked some of the them and after finding proper evidence, could have arrested them.
Giving detention to all of them was not justified. They could have arrested them, enquired them, grilled them with questions and those found innocent could be relieved.

They could have used lot more tools to find the persons involved. It would not have hampered the national interest and investigation could have been much smoother for FBI and for those innocent people who lost thier dreams and peace after that.
Category: 2 comments

Was post 9/11 justified...

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election 09
one of the biggest event of this year...but then what's next...
yup it's IPL.....
both in same month...bahut naainsafi hai...
why they chosen to organise both mammoth events at same time when they knew that it will dilute the effect of both the events. 
Election is an important event in any democratic country so it was not possible to shift the dates but IPL cud have been shifted then but didnt.
Thus, if there is a match and election to be held on same day what would u prefer, 
coming out of your comfortable zone in such a scorching heat and walking for some distance then stand in a long queue and then getting chance to once give vote to a person whom you know, will forget you the next day of his victory for next five years
to lay on your bed, having a remote in your hand with a cup of tea in another, cool atmosphere at 18 degree C, and a TV infront of you showing the silly match...which no doubt, will not give you anything but a pleasure of at least 2 hrs with sehwag's sixes and  tendulkar's centuries.....
i know what most of you would be thinking.
i have been always against of this decision of conducting election and IPL in  same month.
but due to some unavoidable circumstances, it was not possible to postpone either  of them...
but believe me, these two events are affecting each other in one manner or other, reducing the true spirit of both the events.
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